My Story of Becoming a New Mom
Thoughts raced through my head:
‘She’s over a month old—I should know how to calm her now.’
‘I’m a terrible mother.’
‘I’m a failure.’
‘How do other mothers do this?!’
And then a moment of clarity swept over me. Something I had shared with other mothers for years, yet I was not doing for myself.
Other mothers do this with support. With a tribe. A community. Other mothers struggle and all babies cry, some more than others. I was not a failure or terrible, I was a mother.
As a mother, I understand how overwhelming parenting can feel.
Expecting and New Parent Support
Pregnancy can be an exciting time; feeling your baby move, fantasizing what they will look like, decorating a nursery, picking out clothes and new baby items.
And pregnancy can be overwhelming and scary too; worrying about miscarriage or loss, worrying about their health, preparing for multiples, and thinking about how you might parent:
- Co-sleep or room-share?
- Cloth diapers or disposable?
- Peaceful parenting or attachment parenting or RIE or one of the thousands of other parenting approaches?
- Screen time or no screen time?
Parenting can be hard. There is so much information and judgment to filter through. In addition, Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD) affect 15-20% of moms and dads. This service is best for parents (or parents-to-be) who are interested in nonjudgmental support, strengthening their parenting skills and learning new tools to become the parents they want to be.
“…the question isn’t so much ‘Are you parenting the right way?’ as it is: ‘Are you the adult that you want your child to grow up to be?'”
—Brene Brown
Unlike traditional therapy, we can meet anywhere (coffee shop, office, your home, library) and each session can stand on its own. Sessions incorporate therapeutic practices and are tailored to meet your specific needs.
Maternal Mental Health
If you find yourself battling post-partum depression or anxiety; parenting struggles; feelings of isolation; constant feelings of overwhelm or hopelessness, please know that I am here for you.
It doesn’t matter if you are a few weeks or 12-18 months in your post partum journey; if you are feeling a loss of sense of self or that the intrusive thoughts are getting in the way (maybe feeling hyper-alert so no harm comes to your baby or on harder days you worry you yourself might hurt your baby), know that you are not alone.
You deserve to be heard, understood and supported.
Support Groups
Have a new mom friend (or friends) who wants to join you? Small groups can be arranged at a special rate.